Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

Recommended Japanese style pub "Henohenomoheji"@Aoi Ward, Shizuoka

Recommended Japanese style pub "Henohenomoheji"@Aoi Ward, Shizuoka

We would like to introduce a recommended izakaya in Shizuoka City, "Henohenomoheji"!

"Izakaya" is Japanese style pub.


At izakaya, you can enjoy delicious drinks and food.

It is fun to get together with friends.


If you are looking for an izakaya near Shizuoka Station, we recommend "Henohenomoheji"!

Outline:Recommended Japanese style pub "Henohenomoheji(へのへのもへじ)"

Outline:Recommended Japanese style pub "Henohenomoheji(へのへのもへじ)"

"Henohenomoheji(へのへのもへじ)" is a recommended izakaya in Shizuoka City!

Henohenomoheji offer daily fresh fish caught that day at a nearby fishing port.


The variety of dishes is extensive, and the meat, fish, and vegetables are all delicious.

The restaurant has a relaxed atmosphere with counter and table seating.

The restaurant is located in a building that is a little difficult to find, but you will recognize it by the "henohenomoheji" at the entrance.

There is a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, including beer, shochu, sake, plum wine, and other fruit wines.


・Address:6-12-1F-2 Showa-machi, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture


・Access:10 minites(From JR Shizuoka Station(静岡駅) by walking)

・Opening Hour:17:00 - 23:00(Close:Sunday)

・Credit Card:VISA, Mastre, JCB, AMEX etc...

・Official HP:None



Summary:Recommended Japanese style pub "Henohenomoheji"@Aoi Ward, Shizuoka

Summary:Recommended Japanese style pub "Henohenomoheji"@Aoi Ward, Shizuoka

How was that?

In this article, we introduced "Henohenomoheji", a recommended izakaya in Shizuoka City.


Not only are the food and drinks delicious, but the restaurant's relaxed atmosphere is also great.


We recommend this izakaya for those who want to enjoy delicious fresh fish and drinks in Shizuoka City.

I have been to this izakaya myself many times and I highly recommend it!

Good luck!

-Restaurant & Cafe, Shizuoka
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