Restaurant & Cafe

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

Introducing "ICHIRAN", one of the most famous ramen restaurants in Japan@Aoi ward Shizuoka

2023/8/31    , ,

ICHIRAN@Shizuoka City We introduce one of the most famous ramen restaurants in Japan "ICHIRAN" at Sh ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

Recommended Irish Pub "coffee&public ASAHI"@Suruga ward, Shizuoka

Entrance We introduce recommended Irish Pub, "coffee&public ASAHI"! The interior of the restaura ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

Recommended Halal Restaurants in Shizuoka "Bengal Kitchen"@Shizuoka City

Chicken Curry lunch set Introducing "Bengal Kitchen" a recommended Halal restaurant in Shizuoka! The ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

Premium Pork(LYB Buta) Restaurant"FUJIBOKU"@Fujinomiya, Shizuoka

2023/4/20    , ,

Steak Fujinomiya Yakisoba We introduce Premium Pork Restaurant "FUJIBOKU" in Fujinomiya! FUJIBOKU is ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

Recommended Curry Udon Restaurant "PyonKichi"@Shimizu ward, Shizuoka

2023/5/15    , ,

Introducing "Pyonkichi", a famous Curry Udon restaurant in Shizuoka! In this article, we will introd ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

One of the recommended soba restaurant"Yoshino Soba"@Aoi Ward, Shizuoka

2023/5/11    , ,

Appearance We will introduce "Yoshino Soba", a popular soba restaurant in Shizuoka! Soba is a popula ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

Popular Stylish Cafe "hugcoffee"@Aoi Ward,Shizuoka

2023/5/30    , ,

hug coffee We introduce "hugcoffee", a recommended cafe in central Shizuoka! hugcoffee is a stylish ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka

Authentic Hamburger Restaurant "TEQUILA'S DINER"@Aoi Ward, Shizuoka

2023/6/15    ,

TEQUILA'S DINER We introduce an authentic hamburger restaurant in Shizuoka, "TEQUILA'S DINER"! There ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka sightseeing

Green Tea Gelato(Matcha Gelato) "Nanaya"@Aoi Ward, Shizuoka

2023/5/23    ,

Green Tea Gelato We introduce "Nanaya" which is famous for Green Tea Gelato in Shizuoka. Shizuoka is ...

Restaurant & Cafe Shizuoka sightseeing

Fresh Fish Paradise「Yaizu Fish Market"Yaizu Sakana Center"」@Yaizu City, Shizuoka

2023/8/18    ,

Front of Yaizu Sakana Center We introduce「Yaizu Fish Market"Yaizu Sakana Center"」in Yaizu City, Shiz ...

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